Sister Gummow's week went much better this week! Their mission fast was successful and helped them overcome challenges and find joy in their everyday accomplishments! Her companion made it through giant sized blisters from a severe reaction to mosquito bites and is beginning to adapt to the new culture and climate. She sent some fun pictures from their P-day last week in from of some art work, a trip to the beach near Taidong, and before they went to the doctor to get medicine for the mosquito bites (which worked wonders).
"So first I just have to say a huge thank you for all the words of wisdom and the love you have extended to my companion. Things may not be perfect yet, but they are definitely looking up. We also have some fun things to look forward to this week. We are going on exchanges 2xs. Once with the temple sisters from Taipei and once with the sisters in Hualian. We are also going up to Taipei for a training meeting and will be down there for about 2 days. I am so excited to be near the temple. I don't think we will get the privilege of doing a temple session, but I will be happy to have a chance to be near it. I have a feeling I might be out on the east coast for a little bit longer... Ha ha I thought when I got called to Taipei mission I would be a city missionary, but who knew the lord really wanted me out here on the East coast.
Before I forget, let me tell you of our fasting miracle. So it didn't come in quite the way other missionaries saw miracles, but it was exactly what my companion and I needed. It was interesting on that Tuesday we were soooo exhausted from hunger. We were very tired and super weak. However, that night as we went out to proselyte it was awesome to see how all those things that seemed to be holding my companion back seemed to burst. She had energy to ride her bike, she could think clearer, and she didn't get too frustrated to not keep teaching. ......we were able to be missionaries and barely missed a minute of time. It has been wonderful and I have been more grateful than ever to be a missionary. It is such a sacred privilege and I love every opportunity I get to share whether we face rejection or not. Right now we are just working up... earning the Lord's trust and I have no doubt that once we have done that He will pour out the miracles. It is just like dad said He gives us these little spots of beauty where we can rest and explore and then continue on the way to the top. It is also so true about revelation. I have found that if we want revelation we need to first be willing to work! The Lord is not going to give us something He knows we will not use. He is going to give us revelation based on our need and our willingness to work.
One piece of revelation you will be interested to learn was how immature I was in High School... ha ha I remember thinking how proud I was of myself for talking to Mom and dad about how they couldn't set rules for me and to just let me set my own rules and things will go better... I was being so proud and so ridiculous. The good thing is that the lord helped me see a good correlation between Faith and obedience and most especially how obedience really is an act of humility... an expression of our Faith. When I couldn't handle having rules, I was actually lacking these two things... It wasn't because I was independent or a different child that needed to be raised different, it was because unlike better children I was too proud and too arrogant to listen to the counsel of wise parents who loved me and wanted to protect me. It is the same way with us and our Heavenly Father... what kind of children are we? Are we willing to act in Faith on those promptings because we love and trust Him? I hope I am more of this kind of child now. Sorry I learned that lesson... well about 6 years too late, but I am grateful for loving parents who were so willing to deal with such a child and let me learn that principle for myself.
Well I love you and am sooo grateful for your support. I also want to give a thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Raleigh. Your words of counsel and support are so needed. Thanks also to the friends who are still keeping me in their thoughts and prayers! The pioneers have become closer to my companion and I's hearts lately as we have faced not only spiritual, but physical challenges. One of the songs that has really gotten us through is "Come, Come Ye Saints". I have always loved this song, but it has really hit a special place in my heart as I have kept climbing this new mountain.
"Come come ye saints, no Toil no Labor Fear... but with JOY wend your way. Though hard to you this journey may appear... Grace shall be as your day. "
All is well! and that is this week - "All is Well". The Lord loves us and He is there supporting us every step of our Journey! I love you all!!!
Sister Sara Gummow "
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