This week we were able to find through our potentials. The past few weeks we have been finding finding finding and now we are just trying to figure out how to turn our 10 odd other investigators into progressing investigators because we only have one progressing right now. We are hoping for 3 baptisms this month, but we need some major prayers to make that goal. We have one family who could still make it in time and a few other random people that have been to church before. A....(she was doing awesome and then just stopped answering our calls one day), the S.... jiating( a mother with 2 little girls. She is awesome and been to church once, but we just started meeting so they would have to progress soooo fast!) W.... jiating (another mother with one girl interested and her husband is actually pretty awesome, but never comes to church...) Soooo that is what we are mostly hoping for this month. We also have a few other that we are really hoping we can help progress this month.
I love our investigators and have felt the spirit guiding me more than ever before. I really have seen how the light of Christ emanates through his missionaries. Especially when my companion was having a hard time. He gave me more light than ever before. Yesterday, for example, I had to give a talk in church last minute because the talk canceled... yes this talk was in Chinese and yes I only had about 5 minutes to prepare. ..... so even though I was really sick Sunday morning I got up and gave a talk. The funny thing is I even came to church in glasses and just felt terrible, but for some reason no one could tell. It was so strange and wonderful. I was grateful for the light that emanates even when I'm sick and not feeling good... it was still there and I still was able to help the ward.
One of our LA's came to church and it just made my day! I told her and was telling her how I didn't feel good, but seeing her made it all worth it. She insisted on helping me out and asked the elders to give me a blessing. Even though I was embarrassed I felt so much better after the blessing. It was like my whole body was filled with light again and I felt so good. I was blessed I would have the ability to feel the spirit more. I was so grateful because I have already felt it so much, but to have it even more is such a privilege.
Oh we also went on exchanges this week. That was fun. I got to go to Hualian with sister M.... and my comp was with a Taiwanese girl in our area. She did awesome! I am so proud of her. Unfortunately when I came back there are still some things she is figuring out so keep up your prayers for us. We aren't in the safe zone yet. It is like a boomerang a bit. It goes and comes really quickly, but every time she get stronger and more able to overcome. Thank you for you love and your letters!
I can't believe you saw Seulbee!!! I didn't know she was there!
I love you all! jia you! It sounds like everyone has been having some challenges lately. My biggest advice is to choose happiness in it all. Find some way... anyway to relieve your stress. I sing... like all the time! I also make jokes out of all the crazy or gross experiences I have had. Whatever works and count your miracles everyday!
Sister Sara Gummow
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