She told us that they were given a special surprise at their Christmas Day Zone Conference - The Doctrine & Covenants translated into Mandarin Characters and Pinyin (The phonetically written form of Chinese)!! So exciting to see the work continuing to progress!
Dearest Family,
Sooo lately we have been crazy crazy busy. We have been having to split work every Sunday and sometimes on Saturdays because we have no time to teach our investigators! ha ha between exchanges and the Christmas choir we are often out of our area, but the Lord has been blessing us so much lately!!! We have had 2 different families randomly walk into the church because they wanted to come. We have had some awesome referrals and though finding time is short the Lord has magnified our time. Plus others are busy so we had a few investigators tell us they had to wait until next month to meet with us and we consider it a blessing :)
Today I got the cutest email from koji kano and it made me realize that I haven't really told you much about how you can help us out here with our investigators because I haven't mentioned them much... so I will give you a quick summary of them and what you can do to help :)
The first one is a LA's wife, Sister T..... She has 2 little kids and she is progressing really well, but she still hasn't made it to church. It is hard for them to bring their kids, but I think there is more, so pray for us to know how to help them come to church. She really needs to start coming to make her baptism date in January.
The next one is a teenager - sister x..... She is super cute and her older brother and boyfriend are both RC's so they give her pressure. She has a testimony, but is still a bit nervous about baptism. She should make it, but pray that we can know how to help her keep all of the commandments.
We also have a members older sister, Sister Y.... She is adorable, but because of work she also can't come to church. She needs to talk to her boss, but is a little afraid. We are going to fast with her this weekend, but she could also use courage to know how to talk to her boss and that her boss will have an open mind and heart to let her have sunday's off.
I have loved my time with sister du, but it is quickly coming to an end. You will get to meet her tomorrow and she is really excited! You can also practice your chinese with her ^_^ That is pretty much the summary... I am also dying with cold, but what else is new. This is a funny picture of sister Du before we went on exchanges. We both had so much stuff and were wearing so many clothes we looked ridiculous and I loved it ha ha she is great!
This is our Christmas companionship picture. We printed some to send to you in cards, but still have not sent them... so you have christmas cards that will be coming... sometime...
sorry I really tried, but our p-days are only like half time because of choir and stuff... :(
Merry Christmas and I love you all so so much!!! I haven't got the package yet, but it is probably waiting for me at the office so I will get it on Christmas Day :) I love you and thank you so so much for everything! Tell the family and friends we love them and the Neihu members also tell Joanna "hi". I saw chen rong rong and qiu Jei mei and cai Jei mei. So they all say hi!
Sister Sara Gummow
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