"Dearest Family,
I can't believe time is going by so fast!!!! I feel like I just got here yesterday. I can still remember clearly that first transfer in Neihu. Even better I get to see them more now because I am sister training leader over that area. That means we get to go on exchanges there. I didn't go this past time, but I did give them some names of my old investigators to try again. I hope they have some success with that.
So first before I forget (answering your questions) ... for Christmas... I loved what you did last year and honestly I will only have 3 months left so don't worry about sending stuff... maybe just stuff I can give to people here would be best. I did keep my Christmas stocking and decorations and will probably pass on the stocking when I leave. As for when I come home... ha ha I still have 5 months! ha ha I think when I get home I am going to feel really weird so you might have to be my companion and live the mission schedule with me for like 2 weeks. Ha ha we can have language study together so I can help your Chinese :) ha ha other than that... cafe rio? I will just be happy to be back with you guys again... other than that there isn't really anything that I miss, so my wish is really simple. Hugs!!! ha ha - and maybe a bike that I can ride. I learned that I really love riding bikes now. I am just so used to it.
last question is a yes. There was a pretty big earthquake here last Thurs. it was pretty exciting! I actually have a picture of one of the girls who was like on the floor because she was so afraid. sooo funny.
I must admit I really love exchanges. Every time it is really tiring, but it is so cool to see these amazing sister missionaries. They have such large testimonies and want to serve the lord so badly. I have seen how my previous experiences have really helped prepare me to help these sisters. I'm just grateful for all that I have learned on my mission and all that I continue to learn from all these amazing sisters. The Lord really loves us!
One of the cool miracles that happened this week was we decided to call up an LA that lived by the church. When we met with her she told us lately she has really been wanting to come back, but wasn't sure how. So cool to see how the lord knew her timing and helped my companion know that we needed to call her. We also had some really awesome lessons with our investigators and LAs. I think one of my favorite things about a mission is going in to a lesson with the best preparation you could and then just seeing the lord take over and speak through us. I will always have thoughts come to my head. I will just start speaking and somehow it goes in the exact direction they needed, even though I had not even thought of that before. I know it is the lord hearing the plea of their hearts. It helps me realize how much he knows us individually and loves us.
The other thing I learned this week was how important it is to be grateful for all we have. I realized that lately I have not been feeling the spirit as strong. I think in our trials it is really easy to be humble and rely on the lord, but things have really gone well lately and I have not needed Him as much ...... so I made a decision to diligently study humility (which includes being grateful for all the blessings of the lord). I think I too easily look over those little miracles that He gives me everyday. I thought it was a great theme for the month of November as well.
Well, I love you all so much and will keep you in my prayers! Remember to be grateful for all the many things the Lord gives us everyday. I invited one of our LA's to start saying one grateful prayer everyday, so I invite you to do the same. I know that if you do it will be so much easier to keep a smile on your face and to feel the spirit guiding you. I love you all!!!
Sister Gummow "
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