Family :) :) :)
So this weeeek... ha ha lots of awesome and crazy experiences. So we started the week off just right. We went on an exchange with the sisters in Jilong. They are super awesome! I stayed in my area and even though I am still not super familiar with things it was really really fun. Sister B and I saw so many miracles. We went to find a few LA's and while we were there we decided to know on a few doors. It is the first time I have knocked on doors and everyone answered and let us talk to them. In fact we only had time to knock on three doors because they all let us talk to them and one of them became our new investigator and one is a potential. We will see what happens, but it was definitely really really cool.
Then Wednesday was when the nightmare night happened. I started feeling really sick to my stomach on the trip back from Jilong, but we had English class so I just didn't really worry about it. When we got to the church for English meeting my stomach was hurting so bad that I couldn't even stand up. One of the elders was super awesome and taught our classes together while I sat in the back trying to survive. When I got home I just died... I was in so much pain and was throwing up about every two hours. This lasted almost the whole night. At about 2 am I took a hot bath and started feeling a bit better and then about 4 am I was able to eat a little and hold down some fluids. After that I slept good until about 10... then I got ready and it was time to go proselyting. Ha ha our schedule wasn't very hard that day so it was just fine and it was weird because even though the night before I was like dying, the next day no one would have even known. I still think it is a little crazy that that happened...
Anyways after that the week just went really really smooth. We didn't have much finding time :( but our members LOVE us :) We got 4 new investigators from member referrals so that was super super awesome and is pretty much unheard of in Taiwan. We really do have a great area and I have seen so many miracles from working with the members.
is amazing and I am sure we will be eternal friends. I am hoping Matt has a chance to serve in her area after she goes home so she can take care of him for me. ha ha love you all so much and loved the pics of Daniel's birthday! Daniel you are 16! Bryanna you better keep an eye on him for me ok? Love you! Dad I hope you survive the red eye flight. I have learned on my mission how precious sleep is and how much I love it... so I hope that you survived and had health. Kind of special we were both super sick this week and throwing up... ha ha there you go for mission memories ha ha. Oh I don't know if you heard about the typhoon in the Philippines, but please pray for them. I have many friends there or family of friends there.
Love you all!!!
Sister Sara Gummow
** Here are some links to a news article on the effects of the Typhoon on the LDS Missionaries and a powerful testimony by one of the Sister Missionaries who survived the ordeal:
Awesome News Article
Powerful Testimony
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